JotterPad iOS, iPad OS & Mac Updates - July 2022
This July, we are back with fresh updates for JotterPad on iOS, iPad OS, and Mac. Comprehensive templates, expanded printing options, and upgraded writing tools await you!

Here at JotterPad, our priorities lie in optimizing your user experience and supplementing your writing endeavors. The updates and tweaks we continue to make are geared towards becoming an all-encompassing writing tool that can aid and guide you on the writing you embark on.
Our previous iteration of updates came with significant improvements to existing writing tools, speed and performance improvements, the ability to add your very own images to your documents, improved TeX equation functions, and a few more additions to supplement your writing.
This round, we are excited to announce that we are back with new features on both iOS and Mac that are rest assured to improve your your planning, crafting, and writing processes. We have a wide range of templates that you can choose to write with and customize, the ability to print professionally formatted writing, and more stylized writing tools available for your use.
Read on to find out more about what we have waiting for you!
1. Wide Array of Templates
In the most recent JotterPad announcement, we were thrilled to share that we would be introducing a wide range of writing templates, such as books, articles, reports, presentation slides, etc. for you to explore in your writing processes. Now, these templates can be accessed and customized according to your writing needs on both iOS and Mac.

With these templates, you have the freedom to create Markdown documents and print your work in any desired style and format. You have a wide array of template options to choose from, from novel writing, screenplay writing, to creating a lab report, to drafting a cover letter, when you create a Markdown document from the template button on the interface.

Some of the unique templates we now have include the following :
- Novel
- Letters
- Contracts
- Screenwriting
- Essays
- Simple Meeting Minutes
- Two-Column Article
- Story Planners
- Business Plan
- Podcast Scripts
- Presentation slides
- Musicals
Search for any template you desire easily by looking through the categories that they have been organized into or simply type in a keyword into the search box. This range of templates are ever-expanding and will soon include many more templates and formats for you to explore.
Together with the availability of these templates, users can also look forward to being able to customize and personalize their writing and documents however they please. More minute detailing such as the font size, line-spacing, page dimensions, can be customized through the YAML editor function in the templates.
Parameters, such as makeTitle
can be added to create a title page, or tableOfContents
can be added to create a content page in your document.
Information on other detailed customization that can be made to the templates on JotterPad iOS and Mac can be found at our help desk.
Now on JotterPad iOS and Mac, you can seamlessly print your work directly from the template that you may have chosen to write with, or as a draft.

Both template and draft print options are assured to retain the general formatting and layout of your work. However, printing from the template generates a more finalized and professionally formatted document, while printing from the draft generates a quick preview for you to gauge the visual of your work. To view or print the finalized version of your work, click "print" and "print using template (.pdf)", while connected to the Internet connection. You can print from draft conveniently while working offline if the need to vet your work crops up urgently in the absence of internet connection.

To be able to access the full function of this option, subscribe to Pro Cloud and reap the benefits of being able to print directly from the templates that are now available.
2. Fountain Updates
On previous version sf JotterPad iOS and Mac, formatting and working from a Fountain document was limited in terms of styles and formats. With this version, there are many templates that you can now choose and write from on your Fountain documents as well.

These include :
- Broadway Musical
- Dramatists Guild Modern Musical
- Screenplay
- Television Taped Drama (BBC)
- Television Taped Sitcom (BBC)
- Radio Sitcom BBC Cue Style
- Radio Drama BBC Scene Style
- Radio Drama (U.S.)
- BBC Film Screenplay
- BBC Stage (U.S.)
- BBC Television Three-Camera (U.S. Sitcom Format)
- BBC Stage (UK)
- BBC Screenplay for Television
- BBC Television Tape-Live (U.S. Studio Format)
- Podcast News
- Podcast Interview
- Podcast Co-Host/Hybrid
You can download the screenwriting templates in the iOS and Mac app too.

Upgraded Writing Tools - Stylized "Lyrics"
Being able to differentiate between different components in your writing has been made easier and more efficient with the updated the lyrics tool. Now, lyrics are reflected in a more stylized manner; with musical notes. Differentiate the different segments in your scripts, such as the dialogues and lyrics easier with this update on iOS and Mac.

With these updates to iOS and Mac, we believe that your writing endeavors would be made more all-rounded and convenient. As we continue to improve our platform and interfaces for your use, we hope that JotterPad becomes or continues to be your writing tool of choice.