Screenwriting Templates
Downloadable screenwriting templates you can use as guides for your screenplay

For your screenplay to be read and considered by those in the industry, it has to follow the industry’s standards and guidelines which includes having the proper screenplay format. By ensuring that your screenplay is well formatted and readable, it stands a chance to be chosen and produced, instead of being tossed aside.
Pay attention to:
- 12-point Courier font size, single-spacing
- 1.5 inch margin on the left of the page
- 1 inch margin on the right, top and bottom of the page
- Placement of page numbers
- Appropriate indents and spacings
- Elements of a screenplay such as scene headings, action lines, parentheticals, characters’ names and more
Using Screenwriting Templates
To have a properly formatted screenplay, you can download screenwriting templates to aid you as you write your script or story.
Microsoft Word has templates that many use and apply to the screenplay that they are writing. They help to strengthen your screenplay as it creates a good first impression on those who pick up your screenplay to read.
There are multiple templates on Microsoft Word that you can download to suit the particular piece you are writing – script, screenplay, video project and more.
Alternatively, you can do a quick search for screenwriting templates online and find one that is appropriate for your work.
Hence, screenwriters are encouraged to use such templates to attract the reader’s attention.
Examples of Screenwriting Templates
Here are some examples of screenwriting templates that you can download to help you as you start writing your screenplay or script.
1. Animated Film Template
If you are looking to write a script or screenplay for an animated film or movie, this template (which is based off Disney’s Coco), will be perfect for you.
2. Live-action Film Template
If you are writing a script or screenplay for a live-action film or movie, download this template (which is based off the live action adaptation of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast).
3. Comedy TV Show Template
For those who want to write a script for a TV show, in particular, a comedy, download this template (which is based off Modern Family). Modern Family is also particularly unique in that there is constant cuts to interview segments, inclusion of flashbacks and present time, which will be useful for those who are looking to use these elements in their script or screenplay.
4. Action TV Show Template
This template is for those who are also writing a TV show, but this time, in the action/adventure genre. The template is based off the popular show – Stranger Things. It also includes details of characters that you can emulate as you write your script or screenplay.
5. General Screenplay Template
This is a general screenplay template which has all the necessary elements, and is based off Shutter Island, a thriller film. This template has detailed descriptions of the scene, as well as characters.
6. Comic Script Template
If you are writing a comic or graphic novel, this template has elements such as page and panel numbers, details of a scene and how it should be drawn and the captions of characters. This template is based off Shadowland: Blood on The Street.
Screenwriting software
Instead of searching and downloading for templates on Microsoft Word, you can use a screenwriting software instead.
With a screenwriting software, you can rest assured that your work will be properly formatted, especially if you are writing a screenplay which requires you to adhere to strict guidelines.
Additionally, screenwriting software tend to use Fountain, a simple markup syntax which makes screenwriting and editing in plain text possible, making it more convenient and more fuss-free for you as a writer.
JotterPad – a Screenwriting Software
JotterPad is a plain text editor and a great tool to use when you write your next screenplay! It has many functions and benefits which includes, but are not limited to:
- Formats your screenplay as you write
- Formatted screenplay once you export and print it out
- Full featured text editor with features such as thesaurus and rhyming dictionary, typewriter scrolling, phrase finder and more
- Markdown and Fountain syntax
- Export and share your work as DOCX, PDF, RTF, plain text
Thus, JotterPad serves a dual function as it not only helps streamline your writing process with its tools, but it also helps you to take care of the formatting of your screenplay concurrently.
Having a well-written screenplay is not good enough, your screenplay should also be formatted correctly. Instead of scouring and then downloading screenwriting templates online or from Microsoft Word, save the time and energy by using JotterPad. It not only aids you as you write, but it also helps to properly format your screenplay at the same time so you can fully concentrate on writing the content of the screenplay instead of the technical and boring parts of the screenplay.